
California Leave of Absence “Boot Camp” for Texas Employers

Jan 2024
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This seminar will prepare Texas employers for the challenges presented by employee absences in California, including some of the most detailed and protective in the country. Attendees will receive a detailed overview of the state and federal laws protecting employee absences, disability accommodation requirements, and laws protecting employees who take such leaves. Specifically covered will be:

  • The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and the way the two laws interact. Covered in detail will be the dramatic expansion of the CFRA for all employers with five or more employees, requiring most employers to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave.
  • Leave-related laws applicable in California, including but not limited to:
    • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    • California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
    • Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)
    • Interaction between FMLA, CFRA, and PDL
    • Paid Sick Leave (NEW DETAILS FOR 2024)
    • School Appearance Leave
    • Victims of Crime Leave
    • Voting Leave
    • Jury Duty/Witness Leave
    • School Activities Leave
    • Domestic Abuse/ Sexual Assault/Stalking Leave
    • Bereavement Leave
    • Reproductive Loss Leave (NEW FOR 2024)
    • Civil Air Patrol Leave
    • Organ Donation Leave
    • Bone Marrow Leave
    • Military Spouse Leave
    • Volunteer Firefighting, Reserve Peace Officer, and Emergency Rescue Personnel Leave
    • Lactation Accommodation
    • Leave laws’ various applications to COVID-19-related absences will be covered in detail.
    • Wage-replacement considerations for employees on leave in California, including Paid Sick Leave, State Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave (PFL), and unemployment compensation
    • Required policies and postings

Form policies will be shared, and typical hypotheticals will be reviewed along with potential compliance strategies.


Scott Brutocao is a licensed California and Texas attorney who has been litigating employment cases and advising employers California for 29 years and in Texas for 23 years. He is also board certified in Labor and Employment Law by the Texas board of Legal Specialization. He is a frequent speaker on employment law topics throughout the state.



To register for either seminar and for questions, please email seminars@cornellsmith.com or call (512) 328-1540.

Continuing Education Credit

This course has been approved for 2.75 hours of CLE credit by the Texas Bar, and we will provide documentation for credit for all other certifications, including SHRM and HRCI.